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We turn your ideas into products
Turn-Key Solution
Turning your idea into a product is a process we perform to focus on essential needs of your product requirements, your target audients, and the cost involved the timetable associated with building it and making it ready to be taken to the marketplace. The aim of MiPow 360° Service is turn an idea into the reality. We focus on essential needs of customers’ requirements, target audients, lead time, and the budget, in the end, we help the you and your products to be ready for the marketplace.
150Ideas Converted
Convertion rate 90% +
We design product in the way you like and plus more
Product Design
With over 10 years of experiences, We offer Creating something cool and good looking with our existing in house design teams & development team. MIPOW is a full spectrum product design house, more like a inventor, continue working to deliver more and more award winning products for global clients With over 10 years of design service and marketing experiences, MiPow current in-house design team & development team have been continuously introduce different cool and good-looking products to consumers. MIPOW has a full spectrum product design house, and consider ourselves more as an inventor who continue working to deliver more and more functional, stylish, and award-winning products for all clients. With the spirit of never stopping, MiPow design team never be satisfied until the product reaches a market success. In the past 10 years, over 200 products have been developed and successfully launched in more than 50 countries.

In addition, MiPow’s full-service design studio has demonstrated the strong and competitive design capability with 61 international Design Awards include iF and Red Dot. MiPow offers the highest level of Industrial Design, creativity in Corporate Identity & Branding, Marketing Campaigns, Print Media, POP, POS Creative Designing, etc.
Design Awards
IF Award Design
World Ranking
We help to bring your product design alive with our supply chains and manufacturing facilities
Manufacturing Services
By combining engineering expertise with well defined development process, we always make sure our customer equipped to meet your goals for marketing, manufacturability, risk management, and budget. Our team wont stop until your product reaches market successful. Over 10 plus years we have developed over 200 products and successful launched to the market. We assemble and manage the supply chain of vendors need to manufacture the product we help design. Supplier diversity and proficiency lets us be creative in problem solving. Turn key, from product, manual, packaging and so and so.. With us, you will save time and money, but quality and satisfied.

The great design can only able to meet the marketing goals and expected return by aligning with the mature supply chain and manufacture facilities, proficiency, and combining engineering expertise with complete development process. And MiPow has all of that. MiPow has our own factory which enable us to able to do strict quality control, produce only high-quality products, be creative in problem solving, and be flexible to all requests. Do not need to worry about the complicated situation you are facing of, we are here to help.
Manufacturing Facilities Alignment
suppliers Vendors
Research Development houses alignment
We market your product in the way it should
Marketing Service
•We carry and marketing the product the way it should
•Social media, blogger, take photos, making product video, model shooting, copywriting, product page design,
•2million existing consumers fans base; 360 International Social Media bloggers in contract; successful 15 cloud funding campaigns; successful launching 120products in last 10 years in different market regions.
8 years ago, the brand MiPow was founded and now is widely recognised by 2million fans. With hundreds of contracted bloggers, professional and talented photographers, our partner model shooting studio, we have successfully run 15 crowdfunding campaigns and launched 120products. With this experience, MiPow can do better for you.
Products successful launched
Successful Crowd Funding Campaigns
Reach out to exisitng Fans worldwide
We distribute your product to our existing sales channels & stores
Distribution Service
•With over 10 years of, distribute to more 50 countreis, and over 30000 POS over 200 direct store accounts, with the right products and right channel, we can be your pump to help driving your sale.. Save your time and money to develop sale channel..
MiPow has been dedicated to set up sales channels worldwide over 10 years, products were distributed to more than 50 countries, over 30000 POS, and 200 direct stores. We know the importance of putting the right products in right places with the right channels. We are here to help you drive sales, save time and money, and to develop channels.
Distributors Worldwide
Worldwide Stores Coverage
(included 4000+ stores in CHINA)